Sunday, November 17, 2013

Experiencing God - Simplicity of heart 93

"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."
Gospel of Matthew

As we move through our lives, most of us have experienced milestones where we have suddenly and quite unexpectedly broke through barriers within, and arrived at a deeper understanding and realization of God's love and presence.  Others may have come to this realization through a process of steady growth.  Regardless of the way it may have happened, both contain the awareness that life will never be the same again.  We have discovered a new path that will lead us to a life of joy not previously experienced.  It is as if we are being guided along a new path by something that lies in mystery, something that cannot be fully explained. 

I find this mystery can best be related to in the Gospel parable from Matthew about the person who has discovered a treasure hidden in the field.  This treasure is something so valuable and so personally enriching that the person immediately goes off and sells everything else that they may possess in order to buy the field in which the treasure is hidden. 

When we make this discovery, we find that all other things, whether it be personal riches or success, can never quite meet the exhilaration and joy that accompanies this gift.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is speaking of this gift.  He doesn't  say what it is, but all of us born to faith know immediately to what He is referring.

"I bless you Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the cleaver and revealing them to mere children." 

By describing the gift in this manner, He is not saying that it is not available to everyone.  I believe it is.  In fact, I would say that it is more a discovery within ourselves that which is already there, that which we already possess.  But there are obstacles to its realization.  And these obstacles seem to centre around our self-sufficiency and pride.  We have within us this need to control.  We have within us a fear of letting go of the superficial in order to attain the gift that brings "new Life".

The child-like simplicity that Jesus speaks about in this Gospel reading really portrays those who are willing to live without pretense, who acknowledge a dependence and trust in the One who is greater, wiser, and more trustworthy than ourselves.  Simplicity of heart is wedded with humility because humility inclines the heart towards grace and truth. 

In the book of Exodus, as Moses approaches the burning bush, he is asked to take off his shoes, for the place where he was venturing was sacred ground.  This action of taking off ones shoes is an action of humility, of stripping away self-sufficiency and pride, as one comes before God.  It is a lowering of those barriers within oneself, including the need to control and fear of loss, in order to place ourselves before this consuming mystery.

Jesus says:  "Come to me all you who labor and are over burdened, and I will give you rest."  Why some accept this invitation and others do not is indeed a mystery.  But for those who do, a new relationship, a new way of life is entered into.  Along with this new way of life comes the responsibility and joy to give witness of our discovery to others. 

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